Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday Stash Report
Fabric Added: 0 yards
Fabric Added YTD: 0 yards
Fabric Used this Week: 3.5 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date: 5 yards
Lots of life drama going on here, but little quilting.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Day of Service & I have HEAT
Having had no heat for four days and nights brought home in so many ways how what we do matters. Regardless of how many layers of clothes I had to wear, or the number of quilts that kept me warm, I was thankful every day that I had those means of keeping warmer and a home to be shielded from the elements.
We take so much for granted, and one of my Action goals for the year is to find something to be grateful for in every negative situation. That does not include "adding the word positive to a negative sentence," like my co-worker Mary says when I tell her to be positive. LOL
Although I had to work most of the day, then scooted out early to meet the furnace repairman. I finished the binding on one quilt while watching TV in the evening and then moved on to creating more red-centered blocks to supplement those previously sent for assembly into Heartstrings quilts.
Tonight is a CPR class after work and then home to bake an apple pie for the boss's birthday lunch tomorrow.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Monday Weigh-in
YTD: -1.8
Not my goal for the week, but I'll take it after the week I've had.
Sunday Stash Report (on Monday)
Fabric Added: 0 yards
Fabric Added YTD: 0 yards
Fabric Used this Week: 1.0 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date: 1.5 yards
Bindings are the only thing accomplished in quilting this week (again!) But that means I got my sewing machine back. Hallelujah.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
My Plate
I don't remember how I heard of this a couple of weeks ago, but I signed up for a free tool called The Daily Plate, which is now a part of Live Strong. For me, it is great to track the foods I eat and to easily see at a glance the content of the foods I'm eating and where I stand for the day. It also has a graphing function that allows you to watch the fluctuations in, say, sodium or carb intake for the week. It has thousands of commercial & fast food meals in the database, you can add your foods individually, or you can make your own meals for food you always eat together. My big one for last week was 15-bean soup with ham & cornbread.
I did have a slip-up day yesterday, but today I'm back on track. I really, really need to increase my vegetables from none, don't you think?
What does tick me off is that after my Fall inspection in November my landlord was to have been notified that this part needed replaced... badly. Someone dropped the ball, obviously. Either he knew and didn't authorize the repair or he wasn't told. The landlord is also not returning my phone calls or email.
It's amazing how cold it can feel inside with no heat, and despite four layers of clothing. Luckily the kids had a space heater to lend me and brought it over Friday night. It works nicely in a closed room, so I move it from the bedroom to the computer/sewing room as needed and pretty much avoid the large open area of LR/DR/Kitchen. The kids offered to let me use the futon in their basement to sleep, but with no bathroom on that level it just wouldn't work for someone who has URGENT needs 2-3 times a night!
I'm grateful as well that the outside temps have risen... it was 30 when I woke up this morning and it's 20 now. It's been snowing most of the day, but there's not the wind of the past few days. I've chosen to stay in most of these days because it takes so darn long to warm up from the outside, and with no heat it's even worse. At least I have four walls and a roof.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I almost forgot!
Do you have a ‘word’ for 2009?
I am a huge fan of Christine Kane’s blog, which I’ve been reading since probably Dec07. She shares things learned from her own life about how to resolve internal issues and how to guide our lives with intention.
Each December Christine encourages her readers to choose a word that will guide his/her life through the coming year. I’ve struggled with a word this year… I mean, it’s already January 14th! I considered Passion… Encouragement... Gratitude… Calmness… Positivity, and a slew of others. But as I considered each one, I felt limited--felt that I hadn’t yet discovered how to incorporate it into some areas of my life, and I didn't want to do this half-way.
Yesterday I finally settled on Action as my word for the year. Action from me for me that will benefit me emotionally, physically, and spiritually AND will allow good things to radiate to others. I firmly believe that if we don’t take care of ourselves first, we cannot give 100% to anything else we do. I've already spent too much of my life thinking about how I want life and not doing anything about it. In 2009 I will act.
get moving Act.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Donation quilts

Stash Report
Fabric Added: 0 yards
Fabric Added YTD: 0 yards
Fabric Used this Week: 0.5 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date: 0.5 yards
The sewing machine is out of commission so binding is all I have... and 0.5 yard is stretching the count.