It's been a crazy week on the work front. The boss has been on vacation and we've had another person quit, so everything tends to just get backed up while I put out fires. I feel as though we're always working in crisis mode.
Nothing new on the quilting front; nothing in, nothing out. I'm still attaching bindings that I cut two weeks ago. Did you know I'm a very slow binder? Very. I did get a long overdue quilt delivered, but all the fabric was accounted for in May '08. I forgot to get a finished picture of it, too, so I hope my son was able to do so.

Nothing new on the weight loss front; at least I'm holding steady. Thank goodness for my OXO Salad Spinner, a variety of organic lettuce and tomatoes, and a rotisserie chicken from Sam's. I can eat lunch all week for about $10.
What have I been, doing. Hmmm. We got an inch or so of ice and several inches of snow earlier in the week, so going anywhere but work has been hit or miss. There are very few times it's a necessity to go anywhere when it takes an hour to dig the car out! I had to borrow a neighbor's ice scraper to break into my car that first day; now I carry one with me. Thankfully I only live 4 miles from work.
I've been sewing down binding at night, so I watched a movie my son raved about -Into the Wild- one night and Boz Scaggs Greatest Hits Live dvd on another. Friday I watched the kids, which wore me out! Yesterday was a Grantman-n-Nana day at Chuck E. Cheese's which was an interesting experience because he was a bit afraid to try most of the stuff. It's changed a lot; age 2.5 is probably a little young and he'll enjoy it more when he's older. But we'll always have the memories.
Yesterday was also a beautiful, sunny, 40+degree day and I think we all needed that. It reminded me that seasonal affective disorder is very real, and I need to make the effort to get outside for something other than getting to and from my car to go to work!
Life is like Groundhog Day, ya know? I've come to adopt this as my personal metaphor. Every single, stinkin' day you get the chance to do it all over again and try to get it right. Whatever 'it' is for you. Whatever 'right' is for you. Stashbusting. Weight loss. Job search. Letting go of the past. Taking another step in the direction of your dreams. Anything and everything, do it again and again until it's right for you.
Happy Groundhog Day.
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