Thursday, November 11, 2010


Last week felt frigid here for early November, and I managed to come down with a nasty upper respiratory and sinus infection that doesn't want to go away.  This week is better with temps in the high 60s, but it's been a rough week with the time change.

I've made a little progress on the one sock thanks to some mindless ribbing on the leg while watching TV.  A little bit to go on the cuff and I'm ready to start the next.  It cracks me up how distorted these can look when the ribbing isn't expanded.  Must ask Santa for some sock blockers.

The two-at-once didn't fare as well.  I love the process, but they were too tight when I tried one on Grant last week.  Hopefully this weekend I'll have a couple of hours to invest in starting again.  It's not nearly the mindless process (yet) as one at a time.

I also managed to make it to the post office with a couple of toddler quilts and an old round robin UFO that didn't move me anymore for Gloria.

Is anyone else shocked at how little fits in a Flat Rate Priority Mail box these days?


Nancy said...

The socks are progressing nicely. After reading everyone's blogs about knitting two socks at once, I got my needles out; however, I am having more success by knitting one at a time on separate needles.

Beth said...

You have done MUCH better than me! I have a toe up book I'm BOUND and determined to use..and YET...I'm still working on the casting on! I have never worked with such small needles and yard before. I WILL master this! lolol I think yours look good! WTG!