Monday, August 24, 2009

Binding is the sum total of my quilty pursuits this past week. I can’t even claim to have made these.

A couple of years ago I read online about a local group, the James Stitching Sisters, that has a sewing center near my home as well as sit-n-stitch groups at several LQS. The Sisters group makes quilts for local breast cancer patients going through chemo and has a really neat setup in donated space with everything needed to make quilts. It’s seriously like a mini quilt shop… bolts and bolts of fabric, thread, patterns, sewing machines, cutting areas, and two HQ16s for quilting. I’m really shy and hate to walk into groups where I don’t know anyone, but I couldn’t be more glad I took the plunge and finally met this group a few months back. I’ve met different women each time, and they are all uniquely skilled and a lot of fun to be around.

As with most donation quilting, there are quilts in various stages of completion. The cute TATW variation made with rectangles was already quilted so I brought it home to bind. The pattern for the quilt below is, I believe, in Evelyn Sloppy’s 40 Fabulous Quick-Cut Quilts. I quilted it there and brought it home for binding also; one side left to go.

Of course, I needed something to get me through all that binding, so I rented a few movies. Each was good in its own way. Gran Torino was my favorite of the three. Stepbrothers was funny, but not for the prudish faint-of-heart! Revolutionary Road left me wondering.


In other news last week, someone turned 30!!! My gosh, I am definitely not old enough to have a child that age. This 5-generation picture was taken 30 years ago at my cousin’s wedding shower when Chris was just three months old. (ETA: not sure what's happening with this picture; I guess I'll try to post it later.)

Have a quilty week!


1 comment:

Nancy said...

I like the pattern used for the pink quilt.

I recently watched and enjoyed Gran Torino, too.