Monday, November 23, 2009
Knock, knock...
I'm here. Just hadn't been feeling that great and ended up in the big white house again for a few days last week after some trouble breathing. After an oxymoronic "minor" invasive procedure ("It's done hundreds of times a day." "Well, not to me it's not!"), I'm home and feeling better than I have in months. I can live with nothing but D5W to eat, but they really need to work on that letting the patient sleep thing.
Some good news was that I'd lost 9 pounds in the month since my last episode. Yeah, it may be fluid loss, but it's still a loss. I've been 99% diligent about what I eat, eating only fresh foods prepared by me and splurging with one meal out on paydays. Not entirely easy when you cook for one, but it has to become a way of life if I want to be around to see those grandkids grow up!
AND! I have a hunky new workout partner and personal trainer. He's the antithesis of my preferred tall, dark & handsome, but a cutie nonetheless. Please meet Oscar:
Sorry for the dark pic, but with the flash on you see nothing but green eyes; he blends into everything! Oscar's a terrier mutt/mix sweetie and comes to me from my daughter-in-law's sister who was here visiting. I was thinking about finding a rescue pup anyhow, so this works out perfectly for me. He'll be 5 years old next month and is so very mellow and a snuggler. He's used to being out in a fenced yard whenever he wants, so it's a bit of an adjustment for him since I have an upper level condo, but he's doing great. We're working on getting him on the P&P schedule that works best for ... ummm... both of us!? Double treats for him when he makes deposits near a dog dropping container instead of after our walk is done and nearer my door.
Hopefully back to some quilting this week... it seems like it's been forever.
Take care,
Monday, November 2, 2009
Let's Kick-off November


Sunday, October 25, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
September wasn't a total loss

Monday, October 5, 2009
September Schnibbles (part deux)

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Star mystery

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
My challenge quilt

Have you heard...
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Off the Beaten Path
Monday, August 24, 2009

A couple of years ago I read online about a local group, the James Stitching Sisters, that has a sewing center near my home as well as sit-n-stitch groups at several LQS. The Sisters group makes quilts for local breast cancer patients going through chemo and has a really neat setup in donated space with everything needed to make quilts. It’s seriously like a mini quilt shop… bolts and bolts of fabric, thread, patterns, sewing machines, cutting areas, and two HQ16s for quilting. I’m really shy and hate to walk into groups where I don’t know anyone, but I couldn’t be more glad I took the plunge and finally met this group a few months back. I’ve met different women each time, and they are all uniquely skilled and a lot of fun to be around.
As with most donation quilting, there are quilts in various stages of completion. The cute TATW variation made with rectangles was already quilted so I brought it home to bind. The pattern for the quilt below is, I believe, in Evelyn Sloppy’s 40 Fabulous Quick-Cut Quilts. I quilted it there and brought it home for binding also; one side left to go.

Of course, I needed something to get me through all that binding, so I rented a few movies. Each was good in its own way. Gran Torino was my favorite of the three. Stepbrothers was funny, but not for the prudish faint-of-heart! Revolutionary Road left me wondering.
In other news last week, someone turned 30!!! My gosh, I am definitely not old enough to have a child that age. This 5-generation picture was taken 30 years ago at my cousin’s wedding shower when Chris was just three months old. (ETA: not sure what's happening with this picture; I guess I'll try to post it later.)
Have a quilty week!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Worst blogger award

This was a little gift/blog win from Joanne, who moved this past week from Indiana to New Hampshire. Really cute stuff, but I'll have to let those fabrics age a bit while I decide on a pattern. Thank you, Joanne, and let me know when your machine is up and running again!

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Creating more WIPs

Monday, July 13, 2009
So, here is the 3rd started/2nd finished quilt I made the year I began quilting (1999). Little flange and all. I need to photograph this outdoors to get the true colors.

It was for my Grandfather for Christmas in 1999, and it lives with me now. It was from the book Four Blocks Say More, which I believe is out of print.

Monday, July 6, 2009
Food for thought
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thursday is fruit day

The pursuit of hand-knit sock happiness

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Can you stand another binding tip?
The other day Carrie posted about her method for binding and Mary asked about our favorite tips, so I thought I’d combine the two.
I start with 2.5” strips and lay them in a single layer, right side up. However many layers you feel comfortable cutting is good; I have four strips here.

This is how two strips line up for sewing (but of course you turn it 45deg). Those flat-tipped edges make a nice little ¼” margin and it doesn’t take much time to feed through all the strips by chain-piecing.
I love my Easy Angle!! I will admit it took me a couple of years to figure out how to use it correctly, but once I did it’s been my tool of choice for everything from HSTs to those nasty little corner connectors to binding. All the cutting is done beforehand, so there are no rabbit ears to worry about or guessing about where ¼” is when lining up opposing angles.
Here I'm ready to clip the threads & press in half. I don’t bother with pressing open the seams until I get to each one.

One other tip. You know that ugly mess of slithering binding when you’re done pressing? I roll up the pressed binding around my outstretched hand and toss it on a flashlight (or something sturdy that won’t tip as it’s unraveled), set it beside my sewing machine and take off with applying it. I took this picture before it was fixed, but I feel the binding doesn’t get tangled as much when applying to the quilt if the raw edges are facing upward. Make the center hole big enough that the binding will just unroll from the flashlight as you apply it. Otherwise you spend all your time picking up the flashlight.

This picture shows the beginning and end of the binding; they’ve been measured, trimmed and I’m ready to sew these two ends together before the final stitches to the quilt. Since this final seam is so awkward, I use pins to keep it lined up.
I hope you enjoy these little tips. I’ve been doing my bindings this way for years and, to me, it saves so much time. After the binding strips are cut, it probably takes less than ½ hour to trim, sew, and press the strips and apply the binding.
Back tomorrow with more of the sweet stuff that's been filling my days.
Take care,