I had a novel idea yesterday. Turn off the computer and work on quilts. I feel like know I spend a lot of time on the computer, and one great blog or news article often leads to another and another... Or I'll sit down to check my bank balance or the status of an order and manage to get sidetracked before I even make it to where I was headed (much like this post, eh?).

I had several quilts in mind to work on yesterday, but only worked on this one and, other than a nap, worked on it the whole day. I ran into or created all kinds of issues when putting this together . It's in rows now; a little further along than the picture. Thought about making five more blocks to make it a bit longer, but we'll see (this is actually a sideways view).
And for your enjoyment, here's me making deals with myself all weekend to get to this point:
Friday Me: I want to call in sick and stay home and quilt.
My Conscience: Another unpaid day? After an unpaid holiday and another day off watching GMan while O.P. had surgery? Not today.
Saturday Me: I want to quilt.
My Conscience: Noooooo... The house is a mess. If you clean first, then you can quilt. And while you're at it, the fridge is empty and we are out of silly little stuff like TP & body wash & shampoo.
Sunday Me: I want to cut out a new hexagon quilt.
My Conscience: Noooooooo! You already have that Stack 'n' Whack from umpteen years ago that you haven't finished; when you finish that, you can cut out a new quilt.
Sunday evening Me: I want to work on my other sock.
My Conscience: NO! You can get the binding done on all those quilts over there long before you'll finish that sock.
Sounds like you were having quite the little war with yourself, LOL.
I have a Stack and Whack in my pile of UFO's too but have even begun to think about cutting the first 60 degree triangle----from a quilt class circa 2002 or 3???
It's a good thing you are reasoning with an adult, this kind of conversation with a two year old would not work!! Have to admitt this post made me laugh!!
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